Volumes 1, 2 & 3 of the Worst Media Lies and Biased Attacks on President Trump and his Family

Americans continue to be lied to and misled by the Fake News Media.

The lies, misrepresentations and biased reporting by legacy media undermine the public trust and threaten our Republic. While Fake News touches almost everyone, no American president bore the brunt of Fake News Media attacks like President Donald J. Trump. President Trump, his Administration and his family were endlessly attacked by the Fake News Media.

In this triple volume of the Fake News Exposed series attorney Daniel R. Street examines the deliberately manufactured Fake News Media stories, biased attacks, misrepresentations and lies directed at President Trump, the Trump Administration, the Trump family, his businesses and even Trump supporters and sets the record straight.

Get your copy today, learn the truth, and spread the truth to others!


Daniel R. Street is an attorney with over two decades of experience handling civil litigation in State and Federal Court in Louisiana.  He avidly follows American politics and is deeply concerned our Country is undermined by the suppression of Free Speech.  He is a hunter, gun owner, fisherman and Christian.  He and his family live in Monroe, Louisiana.